Wednesday, April 01, 2009

It's raining

You know what the best thing is about rainy days? I don't have to go running in them. 

If I were a ninja jogger, I'd be out in that mess right now, slogging around the trail down at Bartram Park, but I'm just an amateur runner, someone who runs because it's just a habit I've got into, and not because I was silly and made some promise OUT LOUD that I'd run every day no matter what. Thank god I've got that much sense, at least.

So today is a free day, hurrah! And I don't have to run. My body will object, of course, but that's what brains are for, to keep bodies from getting out of line.

I'm going to sit here on my comfortable butt and just listen to that wet stuff dribble down the outside of my house and revel in the fact that I am not going to be tying on my running shoes, looking for extra shopping bags with which to clean up after my dog, not going to be grabbing my cell phone, my iPod, my headphones and my car keys, all of which add at least five pounds to my pockets, making them flap at my sides when I run like little chicken wings, not going to be deciding whether it's worth it to bring the cooler and get the milk first or whether I should just walk into the grocery store, wet and stinking, and get it afterwards, not going to pee three times before I leave the house in order to avoid having to squat at the side of the trail, anxiously scanning both ways and practicing what to say for when I'm discovered in the woods with my pants down ("Thought I saw something valuable here, so I'm just taking a look at it, but I'm all done, now, so I'll just be running along,"), not going to be seeing the lady with the red hair out there in the matching jogging pants and sweatshirt, the guy with the hound dog named Jackson, the two probably queer guys who always look disdainful of my own mostly casually thrown together outfit--a shirt that says "You had me at woof" and shorts that are rusty black with holes in the legs--and who run like gazelles, not going to race down the trail to get back to my car before the episode of "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" is through and I have to stop laughing and start thinking about how hard it is to run in the mornings.

No, I'm not going to do any of that, because it's raining, and I love rainy days, almost as much as I love running.

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